Lesson #5: "Anti-Bullying Plan of Action"

Unit: Bullying

Unit Essential Question: What is bullying, and how can we deal with it as a classroom community in a positive, healthy way?

Grade Level: 6th – 8th 

Lesson: “Anti-Bullying Plan of Action”

Lesson Essential Questions: What do I expect of myself in regards to taking a positive stance on bullying? What do I expect of my classmates, my teacher, and my school in regards to bullying? What would an anti-bullying plan of action look like for these groups of people?

MMSD Standards:
  • Key Concept: Analysis of Issue
  • Participation Skill: Show respect for the views of others

NCSS Standards: 
  • Individual Development and Identity
  • Individuals, Groups, and Institutions

  • Students will consider what they expect of themselves, in terms of behavior, attitudes, and goals, in regards to bullying.
  • Students will consider what they expect of their classmates and peers in regards to bullying.
  • Students will consider what they expect of their teacher(s) in regards to monitoring and reacting to any bullying in their classroom.
  • Students will consider what they expect of their school in regards to bullying policies within the school community.
  • Students will draft a "plan of action" to summarize these goals and expectations in working towards an anti-bullying school community.

Materials Needed:
  • Copy of School's Bullying Policy (if available, most likely in school handbook)
  • "Anti-Bullying Plan of Action" Handout (attached below at end of lesson)
  • Paper or Notebook

  • Begin by having a class discussion about "Where can we go from here?" Now that we have explored the different types of bullying, who experiences bullying, what those who experience it may feel, and how we can help, we need to look forward and think about what the next steps are. Guide the class discussion with some of the following questions: 
    • Who needs to be accountable in our school community in order to work towards a no-bullying zone?
    • What can each of us do, as individuals?
    • What do we expect of our classmates and peers?
    • What can I do, as a teacher? What can other teachers do to prevent bullying, and what can we do when bullying occurs?
    • What role do you think the school should take? What kinds of anti-bullying rules/policies should be in place? (At this point, it may be helpful to take a look at the bullying policy at the particular school - what rules are already in place? Are they helpful? What would the class change and/or add?
  • Students will then be given time to reflect on their own, and fill in the "Anti-Bullying Plan of Action" handout. They should take their time, and be thoughtful in answering each section.
  • After students have had ample time to fill in their handouts, come together as a class and share any last minute thoughts, reflections, questions. Students can share the ideas that they outlined on their handouts.
  • Make a copy of each handout, so that each student can turn one copy in, and keep one for themselves. Remind students to hold themselves accountable to the expectations and goals they set, and to hold their peers, teachers, and school accountable, as well.

            I will assess students both informally and formally throughout this lesson. Informally, I will assess their participation in the class discussion before and after the writing activity. I will formally assess their completion of the "Anti-Bullying Plan of Action" handout. I will check that they completed the handout thoughtfully and completely, and did so in a way that showed reflection on previous lessons.

            In terms of differentiation, I believe that this lesson includes content, process, and product that is all varied for the different students and different needs in a classroom. The content on bullying is varied so that students of varying readiness levels can be successful in grasping it. The goals of this lesson, and the content that I am teaching, are concerned with developing a plan of action that involves expectations of self and others in regards to bullying – I believe that students of different readiness levels will grasp this in varying ways, and the lesson allows for that. The processes in this lesson are varied to allow for different students’ preferences and such. There is large group discussion as well as more personal, independent reflection, so different students can respond and thrive with what suits them best. I am assessing the “product” in varied ways – by observing behavior, monitoring participation, and analyzing reflection/completion of the handout. Students have many varied ways to respond and show what they have learned and gleaned from the activities.

Handout Below: (Students can of course fill in more than 5 items for each section. They can use the back of the sheet for any extra information that they would like to include.)

Anti-Bullying Plan of Action

I Will... (Here are the expectations and goals that I have for myself. They consider my behavior and attitudes in regards to bullying.)

I Expect My Classmates and Peers to... (Here are the expectations and goals that I have for my classmates and peers, in regards to bullying.)

I Expect My Teachers to... (Here are the expectations and goals that I have for my teachers, in regards to bullying.)

I Expect My School to...
(Here are the expectations and goals that I have for my school, in regards to bullying. This may include the Principal, Vice Principal, Administration, Parent Community, etc.)